The config file can be found in ./config.yml. It is highly recommended that you edit it to your needs. An example of the config file is found here:
ExplainedVariable | Description | Values |
publicport | The REST API port. | 8080 |
grpcport | The gRPC port. | 8080 |
autotls | Enable TLS using Let's encrypt. | false |
debug | Debug mode for more versability. | true |
external | This is where the files will be store for each external service. | directory |
ratelimit | The REST API rate limit for the service. If set to enabled, you can change the settings to throttle calls. | false |
crontab | The difference in hours to check each service to update a specific list. | integer (in hours) |
email (score) | This is the bread and butter of the service. You can set the score variables for each service. More in the score section. | variable |
ip (score) | This is the bread and butter of the service. You can set the score variables for each service. More in the score section. | variable |
smtp | It is highly recommended that you set the STMP server to check if an email is valid or not. | string |
errorreporter | External error reporting. | string |
proxy | cachedurationminutes caches the proxy for X amount of minutes. workers is the amount of threads used to check if proxy is active. | integers |
database | More in the database section. | variable |